Photo by Sereja Ris on Unsplash

Uncertainty — we always forget about it!

Iustin Ghergu


Uncertainty is always there. Even in the activities that we perceive as being “safe” or “boring”. Sure, sometimes things go as expected. Each day, without any disturbances or unforeseen excitement. But things can go sideways any second.

Please don’t get me wrong, I DON’T intend to strike fear through this article I’m writing. I want to remind everyone that opportunity exists in every minute we live and breathe. Every day. Change is continuous. When you expect it the least, that is when it surprises you the most.

Uncertainty is almost always overlooked because we, as humans, focus on what we have control over and what we can impact and influence (and hopefully measure). With time, we get out of the habit of imagining unreal scenarios happen to us. We are afraid of expectations (especially big ones) because they can bring disappointment and pain — at the price of shooting for the moon with our aspirations and goals. We are afraid of thinking about things that could go wrong because paranoia is a slippery slope that we don’t want to fall into — at the price of real, battle-tested security and life improvements. We can NEVER insights and breakthroughs. Because, by definition, they are unexpected.

We forget that we live in a world of possibilities. And we carry on doing the same things and even fall into complacency.

The Bad Side

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

-Benjamin Franklin

We also forget to be grateful for the things that we have. I feel like there are 2 extremes here:

  1. The people who aren’t grateful for what they have (and don’t appreciate, use or improve those things)
  2. The people who overdo “being grateful” and cease to dream, plan, execute and learn.

The sweet spot is actually in the middle. The people who appreciate their assets and at the same time use their goals and aspirations to keep direction of where their life is heading towards.

The bad side is that, in a way, nothing you own is actually yours. Everything is temporary, and nothing can give you assurance for your health, financials, relationships, luck, career, childhood dreams and whatever else is important to you.

Don’t set goals so high that you forget to love what you have. You didn’t get it for free, you worked for it.

The Good Side

In the Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters,
one representing danger and the other, opportunity. -Wikipedia

The thing about uncertainty is that it is usually associated with danger and loss. In reality, uncertainty is the ONLY medium through which new things come into existence. Otherwise there is… nothing new.

A lot of beautiful art came through combining different colours and elements together. Most scientific inventions are created through experimenting. Trial and error is like a way of life on the platform of familiarity and uncertainty.

This is why I believe trust to be the most valuable resource (or attribute, if you don’t wish to see it as a resource).

Also, change is necessary. Humans have been built for change and adaptation to new things (otherwise technology wouldn’t exist and history would be dull). Even the best things in life start becoming more and more invisible when they remain unchanged.

It’s good to have the feeling of safety and to know that some things, that are precious to you, will “never” change. But just like anything else in excessive doses, it will cost you greatly if you lose common sense and discernment over comfort.

A Cure to Monotony

Monotony can become unbearable. If change is like oxygen, for the brain, then monotony is like suffocation.

People need something to look forward to.

And society has been raised this way. When in my school years, I knew what to expect in the next 3 months, 1 year sometimes even 7 years. (more school and tests and grades).

Nowadays, as responsible adult😅, I try to plan the week ahead and sometimes the month. We all look forward to Christmas and New Year’s and our Birthdays and Holidays and Bank Holidays, the new season of Mr. Robot and other things. But, I for one, don’t plan what to do in 6 months time or in a year, or 3. And I always avoid giving a serious answer to the notorious question “What do you want to do in 5 years/10 years”

Where did all this fear of imagination with our futures selves come from?

I think the best course to take would be to plan a lot and prepare for failure. Which is better than not planning anything and not being prepared for anything.

I have skills and I had achievements in my past. The skills and knowledge I gained are still useful to this day. But the stories, the adventures are over. Now it’s time to take on new challenges an reach higher. Like always, it is time to go forward.

Use Uncertainty to Your Advantage

First of all, don’t be scared of it. It’s still going to be there, even if you avoid acknowledging it. Uncertainty is real. But it is real for everybody.

If you can help other people by bringing some more certainty in their life, they will appreciate it. Even if it is something small, like them knowing that you will call them, or them having the confidence to count on you when they need it. If you’re never late for a meeting, or if you always keep your word, it matters for people. Not for all people, mostly the ones who cannot offer it back, they can’t expect it from others either.

But for the people that do matter, sometimes you make a big difference in their lives. You might not even know it. Sometimes a small, insignificant thing for you can mean A LOT for someone else.

So if there is something to take away from this article it would be:

Be reliable on what matters, and experiment with things that become boring.



Iustin Ghergu
Iustin Ghergu

Written by Iustin Ghergu

Web Dev, Business, Training Facilities, Community 🤖⚡

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